Version 2.2 of GemStart¬ works with the following TOTAL SYSTEMS╩accelerator cards:
Ñ Mercury 030¬
Ñ Mercury Classic¬
Ñ Gemini 020\030¬
Ñ Gemini II¬
Ñ Gemini Classic¬
Ñ Gemini Ultra¬
GemStart 2.2 requires System 6.0.6, or later.
GemStart 2.2 works with VIRTUAL 2.0.3 and later ╤ you can get the advantages of working with virtual memory under either System 6.0.6 using VIRTUAL 2.0.3 ╤ OR System 7.0 using VIRTUAL 3.0!
To use VIRTUAL under System 7.0, you need VIRTUAL 3.0 or later. At this writing, the Beta program has been closed, and VIRTUAL 3.0 is about to be released. Call Connectix Corp. at 415-571-5100 for upgrade information.
Upgrades from VIRTUAL 2.0.3 to VIRTUAL 3.0 are handled directly by Connectix.
VIRTUAL version 2.0.3 only works under System 6.0.7, 6.0.8, etc.
System Software:
System 7.0.1 is NOT recommended by Apple Computer, Inc., for older Macintosh models, such as Macintosh 512KE, Plus, SE or Classic.
TOTAL SYSTEMS does NOT recommend 7.0.1 for the above platforms when running with our accelerator products, either.
If you have heard about math performance increases in System 7.0.1, don╒t worry: the math routines built into GemStart 2.2 are MUCH FASTER than 7.0.1╒s routines ╤ you lose nothing by using GemStart 2.2 with System 7.0, instead of 7.0.1.
You can even get the same performance under System 6.0.7╤the choice is yours!
GemStart 2.2 works with AppleTalk versions 52, 56 or later. Older Macintosh models (prior to Macintosh Classic) need EITHER:
Ñ System 7.0 (which has version 56 built-in)
Ñ System 6.0.6 or later AND the AppleTalk 52 document included on this disk╤make sure you put this into your System Folder.
(Again, DON╒T add AppleTalk 52 if you have a Macintosh Classic)
>>> If you use System 7.0, DON╒T use the AppleTalk 52 document on this disk╤System 7.0 has a newer version built-in. <<<
The System and Finder on this disk are just enough to get your machine running. Do NOT replace the System and Finder currently on your hard disk with the System and Finder supplied on this disk!
1. Lock your original GemStart 2.2 disk, and keep it that way╤it is a master disk. Immediately make a working copy of the disk. If you need to put a fresh copy of GemStart on your hard disk, use the working copy disk as the source.
2. Start up from your working copy disk.
3. If you use System 6: Drag GemStart 2.2 and AppleTalk into the System Folder. (Don╒t use the AppleTalk document if you have a Macintosh Classic).
4. If you use System 7: Open the System Folder, and drag GemStart 2.2 into the Extensions folder. This ensures that GemStart 2.2 is one of the first items of extension software to load at startup. DON╒T add the AppleTalk document included on this disk to your System Folder (see AppleTalk notes, above)
The SANE code for using the FPU has been rewritten (completely new since version 2.1!) for further optimization, and retains its leadership as the fastest SANE in the marketplace.
Full SANE exception handling is now supported╤we believe GemStart 2.2 is the ONLY third-party utility software on the market that does this.
We now use a mechanism much like that Apple Computer employs in System 7.0.1╤but even faster!
By the way, if you╒d like to get the functionality of our hot SANE code on an unaccelerated Macintosh with an FPU, version 2.2 of QuickSANE¬ sells for $49 from TOTAL SYSTEMS.
It runs on Macintosh II, IIx, IIcx, IIci, SE/30, IIfx, Quadra 700, Quadra 900, and PowerBook 170.
Macintosh IIsi, LC and Classic II models fitted with optional coprocessors are also supported by QuickSANE.
The Sound Control Panel has a nasty habit of corrupting memory. GemStart 2.2 works around this, preventing crashes and lockups. A side effect we haven╒t been totally able to eliminate is that a screwed-up sound may ╥linger╙ on your speaker╤but ONLY until you play another sound!
Maybe we╒ll fix Apple╒s problem in the next version of GemStart; maybe they╒ll fix it first! Watch this space!
A few incredibly obscure SANE bugs have been fixed. If you had not been bothered by them in previous versions of GemStart, you will probably not notice the difference.
Production variations in components used by Apple Computer, Inc. to construct Macintosh SE and Macintosh Plus computers can have a significant effect on the timing characteristics of floppy drives. When a machine is accelerated to very high speed, this timing variation can interfere with successful floppy operations.
Currently, our software can╒t adapt to the individual characteristics of every drive in the field. The timing compromises we have made support at least 90% of drives without any problem.
At least 90% of remaining drives work correctly╤just turn the Copy ROM to RAM feature off before a floppy operation, as described above.
When GemStart 2.2 is running on a Gemini Ultra accelerator card, you can╒t currently turn off Copy ROM to RAM. This might be a problem for your machine╤if so, try turning off the Instruction Cache before floppy operations, which often helps.
Our testing suggests that considerably fewer than 10% of machines are affected (though that╒s small comfort if you have one of them)╤we ARE working hard on a fix for the whole issue, but it has been quite slow going to date. We are in contact with Apple Computer, and hope for an early resolution.
This summer, TOTAL SYSTEMS moved offices. We are now at
1720 Willow Creek Circle,
Eugene OR, 97402-9152
Our phone numbers are unchanged. You can reach us at
503-345-7395, or 800-874-2288
Our FAX number is 503-343-6293. Tech Support is particularly happy to resolve your technical problems via FAX!
Our AppleLink account is TOTAL.S.
We will have a full Tech Support forum on GEnie before the end of February 1992.
We also hope to establish a forum on America Online.
Many of our customers never have occasion to call our Tech Support service. If you DO have a question or a problem, we hope you╒ll find our reputation for excellent, attentive tech support is well-deserved.
We╒d rather you called than struggled until you are frustrated, or risked damaging your equipment!
We have implemented a Case ID system for tech calls. When your call is first processed, you are issued a unique Case ID number. Please, make a note of it.
Our new system is computerized, to prevent "lost callbacks". If your question can╒t be quickly resolved in an initial conversation, quote the Case ID number when you call back. Open cases receive priority followup in our tech support queue.
Case IDs help our technicians to be more efficient, by eliminating the need to ask you all those basic questions afresh each time we speak with you.
Please be patient; we make every effort to process calls as fast as possible. Many calls are resolved first time, but in other cases, we will call you back. We work hard to keep the callback queue from spilling over to the next day, (even for afternoon calls), but sometimes it can't be helped.
Your question will be resolved more quickly if you can follow these simple steps before you call Tech Support.
1. If you are experiencing crashes (System errors), make sure that you have tried a fresh copy of System software. Use the Installer to load a new copy from your master System disks.
2. Check that you are not the victim of an extension conflict. Try using your system with all other extensions besides GemStart 2.2 turned off. Does the problem go away? We are interested in all compatibility information - don't despair if your favorite extension seems not to work: let us know, and we may be able to help.
3. ALWAYS, ALWAYS make a fresh backup of your hard disk BEFORE installing an accelerator or beginning serious troubleshooting. We often must ask users to reformat hard disks to get maximum performance and to resolve SCSI driver software problems.
4. If you are having trouble with a hard disk, we will typically ask you to start up from a GemStart disk (use your working copy of this disk). Then we ask you if your hard disk's icon shows up on the desktop. It saves time if you can test this just before you call.
5. If you have a modem, check America Online or CompuServe for the latest version of GemStart before you call for an update.
6. If you can FAX us the details of your problem, please do so. We can often FAX back a troubleshooting procedure tailored to the specific problem you are experiencing, and this saves the slow and error-prone process of explaining a tricky sequence to you over the phone.
Please be sure to comprehensively describe the origins of your problem, symptoms, any testing you have undertaken and the results, as well as the basics: what Macintosh model you are using, which of our products you are using, how long you have owned the accelerator, what System software you are using, how much RAM is installed, etc.
As our products run faster and faster, their circuitry grows increasingly vulnerable to electrostatic damage from improper handling. You CAN cause fatal damage to components even when static levels are too low for you to notice sparks or shocks when you touch grounded objects. And the kind of damage caused by static may NOT show up for months ╤ perhaps not until just AFTER your warranty elapses, and always at the MOST inconvenient time!
Protect the substantial investment you have made in your equipment. When you install a TOTAL SYSTEMS accelerator card, take appropriate anti-static precautions. If you are not familiar with these precautions, FIND AN INSTALLER WHO IS!
(We will be happy to refer you to a qualified installer if you need contact information ╤ please, call us BEFORE you risk ruining your expensive accelerator or, worse yet, your Macintosh.)
In the unlikely event that you must return your accelerator card to us for repair or replacement, please be sure to use appropriate anti-static packaging.
The warranty statement in your User's Guide spells out our policy: we CANNOT accept product that may have been damaged if you have shipped it to us in improper packaging.
If you have thrown away your original product packaging, we have a low-cost antistatic shipping kit. Call TOTAL SYSTEMS at 503-345-7395 for more details.
Remember, you will VOID your warranty if you don't take anti-static precautions!